Subject Verb Agreement Practice 1

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English grammar that every writer should master. It refers to the matching of the subject and the verb in a sentence in terms of number, gender, and tense. Proper subject-verb agreement ensures clarity and coherence, and it makes your writing more effective and professional.

In this article, we will provide you with subject-verb agreement practice 1 that will help you to improve your writing skills and avoid common mistakes. Let`s get started!

Exercise 1: Singular and Plural Subjects

Identify the correct verb form for each sentence.

1. The box of chocolates ___________ (is/are) on the table.

2. My parents ____________ (likes/like) to travel.

3. The news about the accident ___________ (has/have) shocked everyone.

4. The group of students ___________ (was/were) excited about the field trip.

5. Each of the girls ____________ (has/have) a different talent.


1. The box of chocolates is on the table. (Singular subject)

2. My parents like to travel. (Plural subject)

3. The news about the accident has shocked everyone. (Singular subject)

4. The group of students was excited about the field trip. (Singular subject)

5. Each of the girls has a different talent. (Singular subject)

Exercise 2: Subject-Verb Agreement with Compound Subjects

Identify the correct verb form for each sentence.

1. Bread and butter ___________ (is/are) my favorite breakfast.

2. The dog and the cat ___________ (gets/get) along well.

3. My brother and sister ___________ (is/are) twins.

4. The teacher and the students ___________ (discusses/discuss) the lesson.

5. The sun and the moon ___________ (rises/rise) in the sky.


1. Bread and butter are my favorite breakfast. (Compound subject)

2. The dog and the cat get along well. (Compound subject)

3. My brother and sister are twins. (Compound subject)

4. The teacher and the students discuss the lesson. (Compound subject)

5. The sun and the moon rise in the sky. (Compound subject)

Exercise 3: Subject-Verb Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns

Identify the correct verb form for each sentence.

1. Somebody ___________ (has/have) left their umbrella on the bus.

2. All of the books ___________ (is/are) on the shelf.

3. Either the red or the blue dress ___________ (looks/look) nice on you.

4. No one ___________ (know/knows) the answer to that question.

5. Most of the work ___________ (was/were) done by the end of the day.


1. Somebody has left their umbrella on the bus. (Indefinite pronoun)

2. All of the books are on the shelf. (Indefinite pronoun)

3. Either the red or the blue dress looks nice on you. (Indefinite pronoun)

4. No one knows the answer to that question. (Indefinite pronoun)

5. Most of the work was done by the end of the day. (Indefinite pronoun)


Subject-verb agreement can be tricky, but with practice, you can master it and improve your writing skills. In this article, we provided you with subject-verb agreement practice 1 that covered singular and plural subjects, compound subjects, and indefinite pronouns. Keep practicing, and you`ll soon be a pro at subject-verb agreement!