Agency Foster Parent Agreement

Agency Foster Parent Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you`re considering becoming a foster parent, it`s important to understand the responsibilities and expectations involved. One key document you`ll need to review and sign is the agency foster parent agreement.

What is an agency foster parent agreement?

An agency foster parent agreement is a contract between a foster parent and a child welfare agency or foster care organization. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of the foster parent, as well as the agency`s commitment to support and supervise the foster parent.

What does the agreement cover?

The specifics of the agreement may vary depending on the agency, but typically it covers:

– The length of the fostering arrangement: The agreement will specify the start and end dates of the fostering period, which may be flexible depending on the child`s needs and circumstances.

– The child`s needs and preferences: The agreement will outline the child`s medical, educational, and emotional needs, as well as any preferences they may have for their living situation.

– Financial support: The agreement will detail the financial support the foster parent will receive, including a stipend for the child`s care and any additional expenses related to the child.

– Communication with the agency: The agreement will outline the expectations for communication between the foster parent and the agency, including regular check-ins, reporting any issues or concerns, and attending meetings.

– Training and support: The agreement will specify the training and support the agency will provide to the foster parent, including orientation, ongoing training, and access to resources and support services.

Why is the agreement important?

The agency foster parent agreement is important because it sets clear expectations and guidelines for the fostering arrangement. It ensures that both the foster parent and the agency are on the same page about the child`s needs, the responsibilities of the foster parent, and the support and resources available.

By signing the agreement, the foster parent is committing to providing a safe and nurturing home for the child, while the agency is committing to providing the necessary support and supervision to ensure the child`s well-being.

What should you consider before signing the agreement?

Before signing the agency foster parent agreement, it`s important to carefully review and understand all of the terms and conditions. You should also consider the following:

– Are you prepared to meet the child`s needs? Fostering a child can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging. Make sure you are prepared to provide the support and care the child needs.

– Do you have the time and resources to devote to fostering? Fostering a child requires a significant commitment of time and resources. Consider your work schedule, financial situation, and support system before committing to fostering.

– Are you comfortable with the agency`s policies and procedures? Make sure you understand the agency`s policies and procedures and are comfortable with them before signing the agreement.


Signing the agency foster parent agreement is an important step in becoming a foster parent. It sets clear expectations and guidelines for the fostering arrangement, ensuring that both the foster parent and agency are committed to providing the best possible care for the child. Before signing the agreement, it`s important to carefully review and understand all of the terms and conditions, and consider your own ability to meet the child`s needs and commitments.